I wanted to share with you a few solutions that will help alleviate a reoccurring problem for many. The problem is “lack of time”. Time is one of your most important commodities. I hate to be pessimistic, but you will never get a second back of your life. Let’s face it, with the constant overload of digital communication, social media, and other distractions it can be nearly impossible to get things done. You will constantly hear people say “there just aren’t enough hours it the day to get everything done”. I disagree. There are enough, the key is that you must use your hours wisely. Think about it, everyone has the same 24 hours as you do. It doesn’t matter who you are. What does matter is how you value every second of those 24 hours. Every second you get side tracked from a task, it takes roughly 3x as long to get back the same amount of focus you had before the interruption. Below I’ve listed three tips to help you prevent distractions.
Three tips I follow to increase my time efficiency
1. I remind myself what my vision is and why I do what I. This is be your motive (Inmy case scenario, my vision is to inspire and help guide 1million+ people to live a fulfilled healthy, happier, fit lifestyle)
2. I eliminate all distractions in my workspace (put my phone on silent and flip it over close all windows on my computer). I just like to keep a simple and clean workspace.
3. I also eliminate checking email and social media constantly.I recommend downloading the app self-control available in the APP store)
I believe if you apply these tips you’ll have a more efficient and productive workday!