Why do I train core?
I train my core frequently because I believe the core is the foundation of my body. Think of it in this perspective, if the human body was constructed like a home the core would represent the foundation for the house. Hypothetically, let’s say you decide to neglect training the core, but you still decide to train everything else. This would be like to building an extravagant house on a weak foundation in marshland. My point is, training the abs/core will help develop the rest of your body and will greatly reduce overall changes of injury. So Try these listed core circuits for a well developed core!
circuit #1
ab roller 15,15,15,15
—superset with—
 windmills : 10,10,10,10
—superset with—
Weighted captains chair knee tucks: 10, 10, 10, 10
Toe to Bars: 15 total reps
circuit #2
weighted decline crunch
—superset with—
Planks: 60 seconds x 4
Toe to Bars: 10, 10, 10, 10
—superset with—
Bicycles: 30,30,30,30
circuit #3
Reverse Crunches: 20, 20, 20, 20
—superset with—
bird dogs: 30 total seconds x 4
mountain climbers 10, 10, 10, 10
—superset with—
Jackknife Sit-Ups: 10, 10, 10, 10
All exercises should be completed before taking a rest of up to 60sec and repeated the circuit through 4 times. You can increase or decrease reps to make it easier or harder. Be sure to focus on technique and not rush all the reps…FEEL EVERY CONTRACTION
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