As the holidays approach, we all know this can be a difficult time to keep off the pounds. Who on this earth would really want to resist all wonderful food and festivities?

I believe this is a frequently discussed topic so I’ve decided to provide some tip for your help. I believe if you implement these tips I’ve listed you will reduce the chances of any unwanted weight gain during the holidays.

1.  Stop eating when you’re full and check those portions! 

The biggest thing I can recommend is watch your portions a good rule of thumb is serve yourself a small the appropriate portions listed in the picture below. This includes alcohol too! Limit it to a 1-2 drinks and hour with a glass of water after each drink. This will not only help with hydration but it will help digestion and keep you full.

2. WALK around and TALK!

Greet your family! This is the one of the only times of year where you see the largest amounts of family! Don’t be a loner, get up and get chatty. Talk to each person tell them about your life ask them about theirs! This includes catching up with friends too!

3. Plan a post-meal walk

Let everyone know your going for a walk after dinner so they can join you! 

A brisk walk will speed up digestion and help jump start burning those calories

4.Volunteer to help clean up 

Host clean up. Not only will they respect and appreciate the gesture but also it will decrease the changes of you eating more food.

5. Plan a workout date the next morning

Make sure to get a good workout in the next morning. Better yet plan it with a friend this way you’re less likely to skipping out due to guilt!

But the best thing I can really say is “You only see your family once the time of year”. So enjoy it. There is no need to over analyze it. Just be realistic and honest to yourself. Don’t refrain entirely from eating certain foods but rather focus on  moderation of those foods and proportions. Keep everything to a minimum and if you find that you have eaten too much then simply do more cardio to burn it off!

Merry Chrsitmas and Happy Holidays ,
