The deadlift is hands down the best exercise out there, but can also be known as the most dangerous if done improperly. It looks so simple, yet it can be so complex. You load a barbell with a weight and pick it up and put it down. As simple as it may sound, it’s rather difficult to manage at first. But the truth is deadlifts are extremely beneficial for building lean muscle, strength, and a foundation.

And it’s arguably said that it only trains the back and/or legs. But in reality, it trains EVERYTHING. So I decided I’d give you 5 valid reasons why you should be deadlifting at least 1-3 times a week!

#1 – It trains many major muscle groups simultaneously
The deadlift will work you from neck to toe and involves the use of almost every major muscle group. A set of deadlifts will activate the quads, hamstrings, glutes, spinal erectors, lats, traps, abs, and forearms. No other exercise will train all those muscles as efficiently as the deadlift will.

#2 – It’s great with developing explosive strength.
Also known as “rate of force development” (RFD), explosive strength refers to how quickly you can reach peak levels of force in a muscle. When Improve your RFD then you’ll be able to run faster, jump higher, throw farther and perform at a higher level in any athletic event. The deadlift is a large compound movement that begins from a dead-stop position. So in this case, it’s extremely effective at improving explosiveness.

#3 – It’s the kingpin to building lean muscle and size
The single most direct way to create the appearance of a wide, muscular upper body is in the development of your upper back and shoulders. And with a deadlift you can target this. It’s the most effective lift out there for packing mass onto your mid-back and traps.

#4 – It’s the most functional body lift.

The strength that you develop as a result of deadlifting carries over to real life situations. It’s more functional than a bench press, barbell curls, or shoulder press. Think about it how many things in real life do you pick up off the ground versus push or curl?

#5- It can help to improve posture and prevent injuries.

By strengthening the lower back and abdominal muscles, deadlifts can improve the natural position of your spine.
The lower back is an area that is prone to injury, largely due to poor posture and excessive slouching throughout the day. By smart deadlifting you can help to prevent this.

However, many people precieve deadlifts as taboo. They believe that deadlifts will increase the risk of injury to the lower back. But when it comes down to it, if performed properly the deadlift is the king of all exercises. I recommend you deadlift at least 1-3x a week in your routine so that you can build lean muscle and foundational strength!

As you build form from deadlifting in the gym, using better form when picking things up in real life will become second nature. It But remember to always deadlift with caution!