10 tips to staying fit while traveling for work

The old saying goes “Fail to plan, Plan to fail”. Traveling for business can be challenging, with extended hours on a plane, hectic agendas and long meetings with colleagues. You barely have time to sleep, let alone think about how you will find healthy foods to eat, but there are some steps you can take to eat right while you’re away. By taking a few extra minutes to adequately prepare for your trip and making wise choices when you are on the road, you can fuel your body and get the energy you need to power through your busy days.

 1. PLAN

You should prep as much food as possible. If you don’t know how to meal prep check out my Youtube video CLICK HERE ! Pack snacks for while you’re en route and for your destination. Chopped vegetables and fruits, (natural) nutrition bars, granola, Greek yogurt, and trail mix can be snacks for your flights and airport layovers. They also serve as a quick breakfast on the go.


Choose deli-style meals when you are stuck eating at the airport. Customize your own sandwich with lean meats, vegetables and whole grain breads; choose broth-based soups and select salads with vinegar and olive oil.


Be ready to adapt and improvise given any circumstance. Remember the food in any country can be total different from the food in the United States. Try your best to skip the pastries and donut platters at meetings and conferences. Choose fresh fruit if it is available and consider bringing your own nutrition bar or trail mix, or pick up a whole grain bagel with nut butter if a bakery is close. Choose sandwiches, wraps and salads with dressing on the side when ordering lunch. Select those varieties with lots of fresh vegetables and whole grain breads. Ask if sides such as fruit salad or pasta salad are available instead of chips.


Drink coffee, tea and water or sparkling water during meetings instead of high-sugar, high-calorie or artificially sweetened soft drinks and fruit drinks. You can save hundreds of calories throughout your day by sipping on a non-calorie drink such as sparkling water instead of a soft drink.


Limit your number of high-calorie alcoholic beverages if you meet for cocktails after the workday. Watch out of drinks with high-sugar additions such as margaritas and cocktails with fruit juices or soft drinks. Choose drinks with club soda or on the rocks, or choose a glass of wine.


Pay attention to any mindless eating of snacks throughout the day such as pretzels and chips set out at meetings, candy from the jar on someone’s desk, or nuts at the bar during cocktail hour. Carry fruit or a nutrition bar to curb your appetite. Here’s a good portion guide.

The Following Is A List Of appropriate Portions sizes:

 Proteins: 3-4oz of lean meat is approx. the size of deck of cards

Grains: 1 cup of grains or any vegetable is the size of your fist

Fats: 1oz nuts are roughly a handful


Select simply prepared appetizers and entrees for dinner that provide lean protein and fresh produce. Choose a simple salad as an appetizer. Consider salmon, lean beef, chicken or vegetarian options without heavy cream sauces as an entree. Try a baked potato or sautéed vegetables as your side. A wood-fired pizza with vegetables is another healthy option. Split large entrees with coworkers or request a half order.


It is absolutely imperative to rest while traveling. It is very easy to get tired mentally and physically when traveling. The reason to this is that when you are well rested you have a clear mind. Without proper rest you are more incline to making poor decisions. Aim to get 7-8 hours if possible. If not Make sure to get a 20-30 minute nap in the after noon. This can be extremely effective providing the body with additional energy.


Once you understand how to nutritional facts and the importance of macronutrients then I suggest you download the app MYFitnessPal. This app allows provides you with proper guidance so you don’t exceed your caloric intake. A daily goal is to eat your body weight X 12. So if you weight 200 eat 20 roughly 2,400 calories per day.


 Remember diet is key but without the proper exercise you’re incomplete! I realize that a lot of hotels don’t supply gyms. However, you can get creative and do callisthenic (body weight) hotel room workout. Callisthenic exercises include push-ups, body weight squats, and burpees, blanks chair dips. I’ve included a workout below for your connivence!